Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nan Thinks Therefore She Is

"There is no limit to the power of the thought current you can attract to you nor limit to the things that can be done through the individual by it. In the future some people will draw so much of the higher quality of thought to them, that by it they will accomplish what some would call miracles. In this capacity... lies the secret of what has been called 'magic."

~ Prentice Mulford (1834-1891)

By George, I think I’ve got it! Err…maybe. I think.

In Chapter 33 of “The Education of Henry Adams,” I begin to comprehend the conclusion of Adams’ “education.” Much like the film “The Secret” and top-selling book “The Attractor Factor,” it appears that Adams stumbled across the “meaning of all existence” during his life’s education. A couple of doctrines similarly parallel Adam’s theory: “I think, therefore I am” and “mind over matter,” meaning essentially “he [man] is the sum of the forces that attract him” (Adams 358).

Man serves as the attracting force of nature, drawing every nuance of life to him like a magnet. We are each comprised of a series of compounding moments involving people, places, things, thoughts – each having an integral role in shaping the very core of who we are right down to the tiniest of particles, dictating the very life we live, shaping our next step, forming our next thought. According to Adams, “…all these forces formed his thought, induced his action, and even shaped his figure” (358).

Thus solves the mystery of Adams’ dynamic theory. I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Nan,
    I received the same thing out of the book. Adams is doing his best to demonstrate that the factors of the universe aren't all Nature but because what man has deemed it to be. Basically, history began when the first man was able to write about it. The quote of how the forces shape and form everything about him couldn't have fit better. For him, the universe almost forces everything even though it isn't planned or wanted at times. He didn't ask to be born by the family of greats but he is unable to control what the circumstances are. He has to tolerate what the universe throws at him and hopes he learns the best from the experience.
