Tuesday, May 11, 2010

About Me

Hi Everyone,

My name is Brittany Jenkins. I am now an official junior here at UNC which is very exciting. I was born in Nashville, TN until my dad transferred here to North Carolina when I was 2 years old. I was raised in Winston-Salem and enjoy living there but I cannot wait to move. One of my hobbies is dance especially ballet and tap. I'm not very good but dance is an activity that I do for myself.
I am a History major here at Chapel Hill. I love learning about all types of cultures and history just seemed to be the perfect major for me. When I graduate I hope to work for a non-profit organization that grants money to their local community. Eventually I want to go on to own a scholarship foundation granting money to lower and middle class students going to college. I look forward to getting to know you all in and out of class.


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