Wednesday, May 12, 2010


What's up everyone? Sorry that I'm just now getting to an introduction, but I've quickly learned that PHIL 155 - Intro to Math Logic is a great place to pass the time with blog posts about English, due to the boredom that ensues upon the start of class.

That said, I'm Brandon. I'm a senior journalism major from Newport, NC, a little town between Morehead City and Emerald Isle. I grew up in Portsmouth, Va., and am torn between which state to call home. I like baseball, Nikes and writing, among other things. Last semester, I wrote a weekly sports column for the Daily Tar Heel and have my own blog, "The Offensive Board," though I can't tell you the last time I updated it.

Among my few goals in life is to obtain a verified account on Twitter. If you tweet, feel free to follow @bstuntin. If you don't tweet, maybe you should reconsider your priorities in life. Should you decide to do so, I'm usually good for a few clever twitpics per week.

Anyhow, that's me.

Stay thirsty, my friends.

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