Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Hi, I'm Marissa and I just finished my freshman year. I am from Charlotte, NC but I prefer to say I am a Northerner than from the South. I was born in New Jersey and raised in Connecticut and South Florida (the NYC of the South). I have come to enjoy North Carolina and have fallen in love with UNC and all the people here.
As I said earlier, my Final Jeapordy would be Disney films or any types of films. I enjoy every type of movie; though horror is my least favorite, I still enjoy watching them. I cannot even begin to list the number of movies I have seen in my life time. I have been watching them since I can remember and probably can quote many. Most of my connections to any work will probably be made to a movie. Its how my mind works, I don't understand why but it is. I don't really enjoy reading all that much but I enjoy American Literature. I felt this class could open the doors to new authors and literary works for me to enjoy.

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