Monday, May 17, 2010

Homework, exams, and discussion facilitation

Your homework for tomorrow is to read "The Name of it is Autumn," "They dropped like flakes," and "It feels a shame to be alive --." Don't worry about the other four poems listed on the syllabus--we have enough to talk about with those 3 poems.

Sorry about my confusing explanation of the mid-term this morning--my coffee hadn't kicked in yet. Here's the deal: I'll post your mid-term exam to Blackboard on Wednesday afternoon. You'll have until noon on Sunday to write 2 essays and email them to me in a word document. I'll grade them Sunday evening and you'll come meet with me in individual conferences on Monday, Tuesday, and if necessary Wednesday of the next week. You'll sign up for those conferences on Wednesday, so bring your calendars. You will not have class this Thursday or Friday.

For the mid-term you will write 2 essays: one on The Heroic Slave and Benito Cereno, and one on the Civil War poetry we're reading (Dickinson and Melville).

For your first paper you will take one of the essays from your mid-term and rewrite it after conferencing with me.

When you facilitate discussion, write up a 2-paragraph summary of the blog posts for the day (if there are any) and the major issues we talked about in class.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Discussion facilitation schedule:

5/18 Michael
5/19 Kiersten
5/25 Chaney
5/27 Ty
5/28 Brandon
6/1 Amanda
6/2 Marissa
6/3 Brittany Jenkins
6/4 Brittny Reaves
6/7 Scottie
6/8 Donald
6/9 Nan
6/10 Mira

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