Monday, May 31, 2010

Guillaume Apollinaire

Now I know that reading this weekend was probably hard. Good thing I don't really have a life and was stuck in school all weekend or I probably would be up all night trying to read the whole assignment. Yet when I read it, I found my favorite character of the book so far. Guillaume Apollinaire, to me, was one of the greatest guys there. He was the friend you wanted in your crew or circle because he brought the entertainment, as shown when Picasso was laughing to hard to tell the story about the non existent duel. At the same time, he was the sweetheart you needed if the day wasn't going as planned or the man to buy you a beer if you had a rough day. Yet I'm upset because Stein brings him in page 58 to kill him in 59 and 60-62 makes only small references to him. It's sad because he should be the good guy that we hear adventures about and lives, instead he is made to be the man who loses the love of his life all of a sudden and dies from fighting a war he wasn't suppose to fight. Nicholas Sparks couldn't have written a worse ending if he tried. I know this is based on true events and that he really did have a bad last few days but was it really necessary to build up my hopes and dreams only to crush them the next page, Ms. Gertrude? Goodness, its already bad enough that I find out he is dead but then she has the nerve to tell me since his death no one remains friends. What incentive do I have to keep reading? Only to keep going and see how all their friendships blow in their faces. If it wasn't for the assignment I would probably light the book on fire from frustration and just go on with my life. Now that was just my rant on my deep emotional trauma from this reading. I apologize if I offended any one but it needed to be said. Thank you, and good night.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think you're in good company, Marissa, as it appears Miss Gertrude Stein (or Alice Toklas -- I've yet to determine which) is also quite taken with Guillaume Apollinaire! She (Alice/Gertrude) devotes a whole two pages to him -- only Pablo and Henri commanded such regard!

    It appears she (uhmmm...Alice or Gertrude) admired him greatly; he was certainly well like and respected by her. It was like watching a 14 year-old school girl crush unfold on the playground -- which is very confusing upon learning of Alice and Gertrude's relationship.

    I do find it infuriating that character after character is introduced, only to be snuffed out and never heard from again. They appear to enter on one-liners, and exit just as quickly!
