Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gertrude Stein

So Chapter 6 seemed to frustrate me more than her other chapters. It seems that in this chapter, Toklas (Stein) was all over the place. Now I know that she is like this in her other chapters but she seems to cover a lot of information. She starts with meeting the Whiteheads and her time living with them. Then she goes on to talk about things such as the her travels during the war, working with the American Fund for French Wounded to her life after the war. It just really frustrated me that she couldn't rant and go off topic on one aspect of her life. I think she could have divided the chapters with a chapter on her life before she became involved with the war, one on her involvements with the war and finally a chapter on her life after the war was over. Also, another frustrating part of this chapter is the fact that she mentions meeting her third genius, Doctor Whitehead yet she never spends anytime talking about him. Instead, she spends more time talking about Mrs. Whitehead and their family. I wonder why Toklas (Stein) does this. She talks extensively about Picasso and Stein in the book because she probably has a more intimate relationship with these two, but she fails to mention what makes Doctor Whitehead a genius in her mind. What makes Whitehead a genius?

1 comment:

  1. You mentioned a really good topic that I failed to grasp while reading- the fact that she meets this third genius and barely spends anytime discussing him. In retrospect, I find that very odd as well. Stein does describe the long walks that they took and the discussions- but she fails to mention what these discussions are about- thus preventing readers from knowing why she considered him a genius. You are right, she did focus a lot more time discussing Picasso and her interactions and influence on her. I am assuming that she will come back to Mr. Whitehead in later chapters revealing why she considered him a genius- I could be wrong. Either way, I think it's awesome how you noticed that!
