Thursday, June 10, 2010

Final exam

Great discussion today, as usual. I learned a lot from your diverse responses to the story. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about a challenging story. And thanks to Mira for leading us through it. Let me know if you have questions about the final exam prompt below.

Final Exam

Write an essay defining the phrase “major American author,” in your own words. This will be an argumentative essay in which you provide evidence to support your claims. You can discuss examples that we haven’t read, but please use at least 2 examples from the readings for this class.

Some questions you may want to consider: What are the criteria for applying that label? Who gets to decide who is and who isn't major? Other than an accident of geography, is there some quality or attitude that makes someone a specifically "American" author? Should we still have a "Major American Authors" course at UNC? What do we gain from reading major American authors? Do their texts give us something that other authors don't?

Another approach would be to state your definition of “major American author” before this course and describe how your definition has changed as a result of our readings and discussions.

Post this essay to the course blog by 11am, Monday, June 14th. Your essay should be at least 400 words. I strongly suggest that you write a draft and revise it before you post it.

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